- Time to clean house: The U.S. and Australia are considering major changes to how they safeguard their real estate sectors from money laundering https://thefactcoalition.org/time-to-clean-house-unpacking-the-harms-of-massive-money-laundering-in-the-real-estate-sector/ 10 comments economics
Linked pages
- Millionaire tells millennials: if you want a house, stop buying avocado toast | Avocados | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/may/15/australian-millionaire-millennials-avocado-toast-house 52 comments
- Crime: Australian Federal Police smashes alleged $10 billion Chinese money-laundering operation https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/property-grab-afp-smashes-alleged-10-billion-chinese-money-laundering-operation-20230201-p5ch7k.html 4 comments
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