- Wildfire Smoke is Back / In a warming climate, computers predict more smoky days, higher smoke concentrations, larger burned areas, and higher CO2 emissions from fires - which will increase climate change #GlobalCarbonFeeAndDividendPetition https://theconversation.com/wildfire-smoke-is-back-fires-burning-across-canada-are-already-triggering-us-air-quality-alerts-in-the-midwest-and-plains-229992 4 comments climate
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- Thousands told to evacuate due to British Columbia, Canada wildfire https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68996062 217 comments
- Extreme heat is particularly hard on older adults – an aging population and climate change put ever more people at risk https://theconversation.com/extreme-heat-is-particularly-hard-on-older-adults-an-aging-population-and-climate-change-put-ever-more-people-at-risk-210049 26 comments
- https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2021gh000482 2 comments
- Fire and Smoke Map https://fire.airnow.gov/ 0 comments
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