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- Antarctica headed for a climate tipping point by 2060, with catastrophic melting https://theconversation.com/us 2 comments
Linking pages
- I've studied stadium financing for over two decades – and the new Bills stadium is one of the worst deals for taxpayers I've ever seen https://news.yahoo.com/ive-studied-stadium-financing-over-121246769.html 703 comments
- Feeding cows a few ounces of seaweed daily could sharply reduce their contribution to climate change https://www.yahoo.com/news/feeding-cows-few-ounces-seaweed-180303759.html 454 comments
- Coronavirus Responses Highlight How Humans Have Evolved to Dismiss Facts That Don't Fit Their Worldview - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/coronavirus-responses-highlight-how-humans-have-evolved-to-dismiss-facts-that-dont-fit-their-worldview/ 443 comments
- Trump, Defying Custom, Hasn’t Given the National Archives Records of His Speeches at Political Rallies - Government Executive https://www.govexec.com/oversight/2021/04/trump-defying-custom-hasnt-given-national-archives-records-his-speeches-political-rallies/173352/ 424 comments
- The Taliban reportedly have control of US biometric devices – a lesson in life-and-death consequences of data privacy https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/taliban-reportedly-control-us-biometric-122757450.html 314 comments
- How Donald Trump Is Ruining America's Reputation Around The World http://www.ibtimes.com/how-donald-trump-ruining-americas-reputation-around-world-2544476 300 comments
- Immigrants Do Not Increase Crime, Research Shows - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/immigrants-do-not-increase-crime-research-shows/?wt.mc_id=sa_fb_pole_news 268 comments
- World hunger: 11% of global population went hungry in 2016 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/10/19/world-hunger-increases-first-time-15-years/779445001/ 241 comments
- ‘No causal evidence’ that video games — even ‘gruesome and grisly’ ones — lead to violence | MinnPost https://www.minnpost.com/second-opinion/2019/08/no-causal-evidence-that-video-games-even-gruesome-and-grisly-ones-lead-to-violence/ 163 comments
- The United Nations plans to update space law after over 50 years of no updates | CNN https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/03/world/space-law-united-nations-partner-scn/index.html 156 comments
- Two-thirds of Americans Recognise a 'Climate Change Emergency' But Most Underestimate the Scale of the Problem https://www.newsweek.com/climate-change-emergency-scale-problem-1476087 149 comments
- US is becoming a 'developing country' on global rankings that measure democracy, inequality https://news.yahoo.com/us-becoming-developing-country-global-121839525.html 139 comments
- Snakes could be the original source of the new coronavirus outbreak in China | CNN https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/22/health/snakes-wuhan-coronavirus-outbreak-conversation-partner/index.html 139 comments
- It’s time to limit how often we can travel abroad – ‘carbon passports’ may be the answer | CNN https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/travel/carbon-passports-explainer/index.html 137 comments
- Blocking out the sun can help climate change | CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/19/world/blocking-the-sun/index.html 132 comments
- Why the "specialness spiral" leads us to not use some ordinary objects | CNN https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/06/health/specialness-spiral-partner-wellness/index.html 129 comments
- The Iraq War Has Cost the US Nearly $2 Trillion - Defense One https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2020/02/iraq-war-has-cost-us-nearly-2-trillion/162859/?oref=d-river 124 comments
- Are parents criminally responsible for the actions of their child? In the Oxford shooting case, prosecutors say yes https://www.yahoo.com/news/parents-criminally-responsible-actions-child-131558644.html 119 comments
- Why Are Some People More Creative Than Others? - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-are-some-people-more-creative-than-others/ 114 comments
- Preliminary research finds that even mild cases of COVID-19 leave a mark on the brain – but it's not yet clear how long it lasts https://news.yahoo.com/preliminary-research-finds-even-mild-123713400.html 112 comments
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