- Proof that immigrants fuel the US economy is found in the billions they send back home https://theconversation.com/proof-that-immigrants-fuel-the-us-economy-is-found-in-the-billions-they-send-back-home-227542 139 comments economy
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- Study: Immigrants in the U.S. are more likely to start firms, create jobs | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology https://news.mit.edu/2022/study-immigrants-more-likely-start-firms-create-jobs-0509 1578 comments
- JD Vance says mass deportations should 'start with 1 million,' defends 'thought experiment' giving parents extra votes - ABC News https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/jd-vance-mass-deportations-start-1-million-defends/story?id=112739447 839 comments
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