Hacker News
- If a robot is conscious, is it OK to turn it off? https://theconversation.com/if-a-robot-is-conscious-is-it-ok-to-turn-it-off-the-moral-implications-of-building-true-ais-130453 29 comments
- The moral implications of building true AIs https://theconversation.com/if-a-robot-is-conscious-is-it-ok-to-turn-it-off-the-moral-implications-of-building-true-ais-130453 24 comments philosophy
- If a robot is conscious, is it OK to turn it off? The moral implications of building true AIs https://theconversation.com/if-a-robot-is-conscious-is-it-ok-to-turn-it-off-the-moral-implications-of-building-true-ais-130453 44 comments artificial
Linking pages
- If a Robot Is Conscious, Is It OK to Turn It Off? The Moral Implications of Building True AIs https://singularityhub.com/2020/10/28/if-a-robot-is-conscious-is-it-ok-to-turn-it-off-the-moral-implications-of-building-true-ais/ 40 comments
- ChatGPT’s artificial empathy is a language trick. Here’s how it works https://theconversation.com/chatgpts-artificial-empathy-is-a-language-trick-heres-how-it-works-244673 13 comments
Linked pages
- Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind - BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-30290540 4065 comments
- Stephen Hawking http://www.hawking.org.uk/ 1732 comments
- Elon Musk at SXSW: A.I. is more dangerous than nuclear weapons https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/13/elon-musk-at-sxsw-a-i-is-more-dangerous-than-nuclear-weapons.html 556 comments
- Philosophers On GPT-3 (updated with replies by GPT-3) | Daily Nous https://dailynous.com/2020/07/30/philosophers-gpt-3/#chalmers 345 comments
- GPT-3, Bloviator: OpenAI’s language generator has no idea what it’s talking about | MIT Technology Review https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/08/22/1007539/gpt3-openai-language-generator-artificial-intelligence-ai-opinion/ 303 comments
- OpenAI https://openai.com/ 136 comments
- Star Trek: The Next Generation - Sentient Being - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjuQRCG_sUw 26 comments
- Elon Musk | Tesla https://www.tesla.com/elon-musk 0 comments
- The Turing Test (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/turing-test/ 0 comments
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