- Trump’s Fourth of July Takeover Was Inevitable https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/07/trumps-july-4-takeover-washington-was-inevitable/593254/ 20 comments politics
Linking pages
- The Real State of the U.S. Military - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/07/real-state-us-military/594754/ 87 comments
- Trump’s July 4 military parade is a celebration of himself - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/07/04/trumps-july-military-parade-is-celebration-himself/ 37 comments
Linked pages
- Trump still owes D.C. $7 million in inauguration costs as he plans July Fourth gala - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/trump-still-owes-dc-7-million-in-inauguration-costs-as-he-plans-july-fourth-gala/2019/06/13/c55565b6-8df5-11e9-8f69-a2795fca3343_story.html 462 comments
- White House Wanted USS John McCain ‘Out of Sight’ During Trump Japan Visit - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/white-house-wanted-uss-john-mccain-out-of-sight-during-trump-japan-visit-11559173470 442 comments
- DC mayor taunts Trump after cancellation of military parade | CNN Politics https://edition.cnn.com/2018/08/17/politics/trump-cancels-military-parade/index.html 21 comments
- http://www.cnn.com/2009/politics/09/04/obama.schools/ 16 comments
- Trump Hotel Prices Skyrocket Around 4th of July - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington https://www.citizensforethics.org/4th-of-july-trump-hotel-rates-skyrocket/ 8 comments
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