- Real-time AI voice technology alters accents in Indian call centers for better clarity | Software softens accents while keeping the speaker's tone, emotion, and identity intact https://www.techspot.com/news/106983-new-ai-voice-technology-alters-accents-indian-call.html 37 comments futurology
- Real-time AI voice technology alters accents in Indian call centers for better clarity | Software softens accents while keeping the speaker's tone, emotion, and identity intact https://www.techspot.com/news/106983-new-ai-voice-technology-alters-accents-indian-call.html 47 comments technews
- Real-time AI voice technology alters accents in Indian call centers for better clarity | Software softens accents while keeping the speaker's tone, emotion, and identity intact https://www.techspot.com/news/106983-new-ai-voice-technology-alters-accents-indian-call.html 28 comments technology
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