Hacker News
- An SSD Endurance Experiment: They're All Dead (2015) http://techreport.com/review/27909/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-theyre-all-dead 53 comments
- Endurance experiment kills six consumer SSDs over 18 months http://techreport.com/review/27909/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-theyre-all-dead 88 comments
- The SSD HD Endurance Experiment: Final results http://techreport.com/review/27909/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-theyre-all-dead 35 comments sysadmin
- The SSD Endurance Experiment ends: Six consumer SSDs die after 700TB-2.4PB of writes over 18 months. Although two died without warning, "modern SSDs [can] easily write far more data than most consumers will ever need". http://techreport.com/review/27909/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-theyre-all-dead 4 comments technews
- The SSD Endurance Experiment ends: Six consumer SSDs die after 700TB-2.4PB of writes over 18 months. Although two died without warning, "modern SSDs [can] easily write far more data than most consumers will ever need". http://techreport.com/review/27909/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-theyre-all-dead 65 comments technology
- The SSD Endurance Experiment: They're all dead - The Tech Report http://techreport.com/review/27909/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-theyre-all-dead/ 156 comments hardware
Linking pages
- When SSD Performance Goes Awry | TechSpot http://www.techspot.com/article/997-samsung-ssd-read-performance-degradation/ 193 comments
- Breaking Intel's 600p NVMe SSD: Endurance Pushed To The Limit - Tom's Hardware | Tom's Hardware http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/intel-ssd-600p-nvme-endurance-testing,4826.html 25 comments
- Using NVMe Command Line Tools to Check NVMe Flash Health - Percona Database Performance Blog https://www.percona.com/blog/2017/02/09/using-nvme-command-line-tools-to-check-nvme-flash-health/ 0 comments
- Consumer SSDs benchmarked to death—and last far longer than rated | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/03/consumer-ssds-benchmarked-to-death-and-last-far-longer-than-rated/ 0 comments
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