- Synergy for $9.80 https://symless.com/synergy 18 comments macapps
- Linux VNC viewer not displaying MacOS with multiple desktops (single monitor) https://symless.com/synergy 5 comments linuxquestions
- Software USB switch to use kb/mouse on two computers, WITHOUT needing to install on one of the computers? Map a mouse button to toggle? https://symless.com/synergy 4 comments software
- Weird behavior potential malware https://symless.com/synergy 10 comments techsupport
- Looking for secure KVM software that will allow me to seamlessly use my mouse/keyboard/webcam on 2 computers https://symless.com/synergy 11 comments sysadmin
- What is the best KVM software to control a MacBook and a Windows laptop from either's touchpad and keyboard? https://symless.com/synergy 5 comments sysadmin
- This is just delightful https://symless.com/synergy 52 comments linux
- Using 2 audio (in) sources, at the same time? https://symless.com/synergy 3 comments windows
- Any mouse and keyboard sharing software like Synergy? https://symless.com/synergy/ 24 comments selfhosted
- Connecting two physically close computers over bluetooth? http://symless.com/synergy 3 comments sysadmin
Linking pages
- GitHub - feschber/lan-mouse: mouse & keyboard sharing via LAN https://github.com/feschber/lan-mouse 39 comments
- 33 Linux Apps You Will Love - https://rockiger.com/en/blog-en/best-linux-apps/ 26 comments
- GitHub - deskflow/deskflow: Deskflow lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's like a software KVM (but without video). https://github.com/deskflow/deskflow 24 comments
- VGA Passthrough with OVMF+VFIO on Ubuntu 16.04 https://ycnrg.org/vga-passthrough-with-ovmf-vfio/ 15 comments
- GPU passthrough: gaming on Windows on Linux https://davidyat.es/2016/09/08/gpu-passthrough/ 14 comments
- VR development from the comfort of your regular environment - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/05/vr-development-from-the-comfort-of-your-regular-environment/ 0 comments
- A Shortcut for Universal Control Sickos | potch has a website https://potch.me/2024/universal-control-shortcut.html 0 comments
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