- Can I (easily) make and distribute a GUI for Mac OSX? https://www.sveinbjorn.org/platypus 10 comments perl
Linking pages
- GitHub - phmullins/awesome-macos: A curated list of awesome software for Apple's macOS. https://github.com/phmullins/awesome-macos 28 comments
- GitHub - leafac/caxa: 📦 Package Node.js applications into executable binaries 📦 https://github.com/leafac/caxa 12 comments
- GitHub - feramhq/Perspec: Scriptable desktop app to correct the perspective of images https://github.com/feramhq/Perspec 11 comments
- GitHub - dan-v/dosxvpn: Easily deploy your own personal VPN server with DNS adblocking running on DigitalOcean https://github.com/dan-v/dosxvpn 11 comments
- GitHub - feramhq/Perspec: Scriptable desktop app to correct the perspective of images https://github.com/ad-si/perspec 7 comments
- GitHub - halloleo/brosel: Select the right browser for a URL by rules https://github.com/halloleo/brosel 5 comments
- GitHub - classilla/overbitenx: Because Firefox isn't complete without Gopherspace. https://github.com/classilla/overbitenx 1 comment
- GitHub - ryanfb/deZoom: Remove the Zoom video conferencing app from your Mac and fix vulnerabilities https://github.com/ryanfb/deZoom 1 comment
- GitHub - sveinbjornt/Platypus: Create native Mac applications from command line scripts. https://github.com/sveinbjornt/Platypus 0 comments
- GitHub - adammichaelwilliams/osx-dock-links: Mac OS X to Chrome OS, one link at a time https://github.com/kainolophobia/osx-dock-links 0 comments
- GitHub - evancz/airplane-mode: Airplanes are programming heaven. Airplane Mode turns off the bad internet. Yes docs, no facebook! https://github.com/evancz/airplane-mode 0 comments
- GitHub - BenderV/file2db: Automatic import file (CSV, JSON) file to database (PostgreSQL | MySQL | SQLite | Oracle | Microsoft SQL Server) https://github.com/BenderV/file2db 0 comments
- GitHub - dpinney/iPythonNotebookServer: Mac App for the iPython Notebook Server https://github.com/dpinney/iPythonNotebookServer 0 comments
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