Hacker News
- Stanford prof exposed her $5000/hr consulting fee https://stanfordreview.org/boaler-professor/ 3 comments
Linking pages
- Stanford prof calls cops on Berkeley prof who exposed her $5K/hour consulting fee https://nypost.com/2022/04/08/stanford-prof-calls-cops-on-berkeley-prof-who-exposed-her-5k-hour-consulting-fee/ 67 comments
- Big Brother is Watching You: Stanford’s New ‘Harmful Language’ Guide https://stanfordreview.org/big-brother-is-watching-you-stanfords-new-harmful-language-guide/ 3 comments
- San Francisco Cited This Professor's Work to End 8th Grade Algebra. Complaint Alleges Her Research Had 'Reckless Disregard for Accuracy.' https://freebeacon.com/california/san-francisco-cited-this-professor-to-end-8th-grade-algebra-her-research-had-reckless-disregard-for-accuracy-complaint-alleges/ 2 comments
- Review Investigation: Jo Boaler, Cathy Williams, and the Woke Math Scam https://stanfordreview.org/review-investigation-jo-boaler-is-worse-than-we-thought/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- Jelani Nelson on Twitter: "A @Stanford professor just threatened me with police. After BBQ Becky, Permit Patty, Golfcart Gail, and all the memes, we now have Retweet Rachel. Public advisory: don't call the cops on black people for no reason. Black people disagreeing with you on Twitter is not a crime. https://t.co/es92C765NQ" / Twitter https://twitter.com/minilek/status/1511358525179453440 59 comments
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