- Europe clamps down on Meta's data collection; Norway ban goes regional https://stackdiary.com/europe-clamps-down-on-metas-data-collection-norway-ban-goes-regional/ 76 comments europe
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- Norway to fine Meta $98,500 a day over user privacy breach from 14 August | Meta | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/aug/07/norway-meta-fine-user-privacy-breach-targeted-ads 322 comments
- Datatilsynets vedtak mot Meta utvides til EU/EØS og gjøres permanent | Datatilsynet https://www.datatilsynet.no/aktuelt/aktuelle-nyheter-2023/datatilsynets-vedtak-mot-meta-utvides-til-eueos-og-gjores-permanent/ 254 comments
- Temporary ban on behavioural advertising on Facebook and Instagram | Datatilsynet https://www.datatilsynet.no/en/news/aktuelle-nyheter-2023/temporary-ban-of-behavioural-advertising-on-facebook-and-instagram/ 178 comments
- Facebook and Instagram to Offer Subscription for No Ads in Europe | Meta https://about.fb.com/news/2023/10/facebook-and-instagram-to-offer-subscription-for-no-ads-in-europe/ 136 comments
- How Meta Uses Legal Bases for Processing Ads in the EU | Meta https://about.fb.com/news/2023/01/how-meta-uses-legal-bases-for-processing-ads-in-the-eu/ 0 comments
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