- Kevin Durant won't visit President Trump's White House: 'I don't respect who's in office right now' https://sports.yahoo.com/kevin-durant-wont-visit-president-trumps-white-house-dont-respect-whos-office-right-now-203203567.html 8 comments politics
- Kevin Durant won't visit President Trump's White House: 'I don't respect who's in office right now' https://sports.yahoo.com/kevin-durant-wont-visit-president-trumps-white-house-dont-respect-whos-office-right-now-203203567.html 33 comments sports
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- Kevin Durant of Golden State Warriors has no intention of visiting White House, has harsh words for President Donald Trump http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/20371337/kevin-durant-golden-state-warriors-no-intention-visiting-white-house-harsh-words-president-donald-trump 32 comments
- Kevin Durant on Trump: 'We Don't F*ck With Him' | TMZ Sports - YouTube https://youtu.be/pbxir4QtEg8 29 comments
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