- Why There Won't Be a German Trump http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/why-germany-will-never-have-a-trump-a-1161054.html?utm_source 9 comments politics
- Why does the U.S. - the leader of the Western world since the end of World War II - now have a dangerous laughing stock, a man who has isolated his country, as its president? Why does Germany, a former pariah, now enjoy a more positive political standing than ever before? | Spiegel http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/why-germany-will-never-have-a-trump-a-1161054.html?utm_source 7 comments germany
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- EU Worries over U.S. Economy Grow - DER SPIEGEL http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/eu-worries-over-u-s-economy-grow-a-1166809.html 24 comments
- Angela Merkel: 'In Everything I Do, I Aim to Strengthen Democracy' - DER SPIEGEL http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/angela-merkel-in-everything-i-do-i-aim-to-strengthen-democracy-a-1165680.html 12 comments
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