Hacker News
- How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer (2019) https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer 72 comments
- How the Boeing 737 Max disaster looks to a software Developer https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer 298 comments
- How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer 19 comments practices
- A lesson from Boeing's 737 Max https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer 61 comments programming
- How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer 15 comments technology
- How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer 40 comments compsci
- How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer 46 comments netsec
- How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer 635 comments programming
- How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer. Design shortcuts meant to make a new plane seem like an old, familiar one are to blame https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer 11 comments technology
Linking pages
- The Coming Boeing Bailout? - BIG by Matt Stoller https://mattstoller.substack.com/p/the-coming-boeing-bailout 182 comments
- Is Uncle Bob serious? - DEV Community https://dev.to/bosepchuk/is-uncle-bob-serious-dhi 171 comments
- Boeing might represent the greatest indictment of 21st-century capitalism | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2019/04/27/boeing-might-represent-the-greatest-indictment-of-21st-century-capitalism_partner/ 24 comments
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