- Who's going to fix the space junk problem? https://www.space.com/space-junk-growing-problem-complicated-solution 39 comments space
Linking pages
- Starlink satellites responsible for over 50% of close encounters in space | Space https://www.space.com/spacex-starlink-satellite-collision-alerts-on-the-rise 1436 comments
- Space debris forces astronauts on space station to take shelter in return ships | Space https://www.space.com/space-debris-astronauts-shelter-november-2021 430 comments
- Space junk collision: Chinese satellite got whacked by hunk of Russian rocket in March | Space https://www.space.com/space-junk-collision-chinese-satellite-yunhai-1-02 372 comments
- Unexpected solar weather is causing satellites to plummet from orbit | Space https://www.space.com/satellites-falling-off-sky-solar-weather 190 comments
- Steve Wozniak's startup Privateer plans to launch hundreds of satellites to study space debris | Space https://www.space.com/steve-wozniak-privateer-hundreds-satellites-space-debris 124 comments
- Space junk is on the rise, and no one is in charge of cleaning it up | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/space/2023/08/space-junk-is-on-the-rise-and-no-one-is-in-charge-of-cleaning-it-up/ 104 comments
- Kessler Syndrome and the space debris problem | Space https://www.space.com/kessler-syndrome-space-debris 24 comments
- Space junk in Earth orbit and on the Moon will increase with future missions − but nobody's in charge of cleaning it up https://theconversation.com/space-junk-in-earth-orbit-and-on-the-moon-will-increase-with-future-missions-but-nobodys-in-charge-of-cleaning-it-up-212421 22 comments
- Satellite dodges space debris as it scrambles against space weather | Space https://www.space.com/satellite-dodges-space-debris-space-weather 15 comments
- Pollution from rocket launches and burning satellites could cause the next environmental emergency https://www.yahoo.com/news/pollution-rocket-launches-burning-satellites-100000288.html 10 comments
- Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak wants to clean up space junk with new company | Space https://www.space.com/apple-cofounder-steve-wozniak-space-junk-company 6 comments
- Climate change keeps space debris afloat longer | Space https://www.space.com/climate-change-worsens-space-debri-problem 5 comments
- How many satellites can we safely fit in Earth orbit? | Space https://www.space.com/how-many-satellites-fit-safely-earth-orbit 5 comments
- Forecasting space weather is hard. A new Australian satellite may help make it easier | Space https://www.space.com/forecasting-space-weather-is-hard-a-new-australian-satellite-may-help-make-it-easier 1 comment
- Avoiding satellite collisions: NOAA unveils prototype warning system | Space https://www.space.com/noaa-satellite-collision-warning-system-prototype 1 comment
- How much do SpaceX's reentering Starlink satellites pollute Earth's atmosphere? | Space https://www.space.com/spacex-starlink-reentry-pollution-damage-earth-atmosphere 1 comment
- SpaceX Starlink satellites responsible for over half of close encounters in orbit, scientist says | Live Science https://www.livescience.com/spacex-starlink-satellite-collisions-rise.html 0 comments
- How often does the International Space Station dodge space debris? | Space https://www.space.com/international-space-station-space-dodge-debris-how-often 0 comments
- Scientists call on UN to help solve Earth's space junk problem | Space https://www.space.com/space-exploration/satellites/scientists-call-on-un-to-help-solve-earths-space-junk-problem 0 comments
Linked pages
- Space.com: NASA, Space Exploration and Astronomy News https://space.com 152 comments
- X-37B military space plane lands, ending record-breaking mission | Space https://www.space.com/space-force-x-37b-space-plane-otv-6-mission-ends 70 comments
- Space photos: The most amazing images this week! | Space http://www.space.com/32252-amazing-images.html 7 comments
- Space Has Always Been Militarized, Just Not Weaponized — Not Yet, Anyway | Space https://www.space.com/42298-space-weaponized-already-military-history.html 3 comments
- The top space stories of the week! | Space https://www.space.com/36316-the-most-amazing-space-stories-of-the-week.html 0 comments
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