- Alien life could thrive on big 'Hycean' exoplanets. ( Hycean planets are up to 2.5 times bigger than Earth, with oceans and hydrogen-rich atmospheres.) https://www.space.com/new-class-habitable-exoplanets-hycean-worlds 296 comments space
Linking pages
- Did the James Webb Space Telescope really find life beyond Earth? Scientists aren't so sure https://www.yahoo.com/tech/did-james-webb-space-telescope-163001085.html 29 comments
- Did the James Webb Space Telescope really find life beyond Earth? Scientists aren't so sure | Space https://www.space.com/james-webb-space-telescope-life-earth-exoplanet-study 23 comments
- 'Hycean' exoplanets may not be able to support life after all | Space https://www.space.com/hycean-exoplanets-may-not-support-life 5 comments
Linked pages
- Space.com: NASA, Space Exploration and Astronomy News https://space.com 152 comments
- The 10 most Earth-like exoplanets | Space https://www.space.com/30172-six-most-earth-like-alien-planets.html 48 comments
- Milky Way galaxy: Facts about our cosmic neighborhood | Space https://www.space.com/19915-milky-way-galaxy.html 0 comments
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