- Engage! Quantum Thruster Physics Could Help Make Warp Drive a Reality | Space.com http://www.space.com/22430-star-trek-warp-drive-quantum-thrusters.html?cmpid=532478 9 comments space
- Quantum Thruster Physics Could Help Make Warp Drive a Reality http://www.space.com/22430-star-trek-warp-drive-quantum-thrusters.html 6 comments science
Linking pages
- NASA: No, We're Not on the Verge of Developing a Warp Drive http://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/no-warp-drive-here-nasa-downplays-impossible-em-drive-space-n357151?cid=sm_fb 839 comments
- Engage! Warp Drive Could Become Reality with Quantum-Thruster Physics http://news.yahoo.com/engage-warp-drive-could-become-reality-quantum-thruster-114310551.html 414 comments
- 'Impossible' Space Engine May Actually Work, NASA Test Suggests | Space http://www.space.com/26713-impossible-space-engine-nasa-test.html 114 comments
- No Warp Drive Here: NASA Downplays 'Impossible' EM Drive Space Engine | Space http://www.space.com/29363-impossible-em-drive-space-engine-nasa.html 76 comments
- 'Impossible' Space Engine May Actually Work, NASA Test Suggests http://news.yahoo.com/impossible-space-engine-may-actually-nasa-test-suggests-060904380.html 11 comments
- This space engine breaks a law of physics. But a NASA test says it works anyway. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/11/22/this-rocket-engine-breaks-a-law-of-physics-but-a-nasa-test-says-it-works-anyway/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- Warp Drive More Possible Than Thought, Scientists Say | Space http://www.space.com/17628-warp-drive-possible-interstellar-spaceflight.html 422 comments
- Space.com: NASA, Space Exploration and Astronomy News https://space.com 152 comments
- On this day in space! Dec. 11, 1972: Apollo 17 astronauts land on the moon | Space https://www.space.com/39251-on-this-day-in-space.html 95 comments
- Voyager: 15 incredible images of our solar system (gallery) | Space https://www.space.com/voyager-spacecraft-best-images-solar-system 0 comments
- How 'Star Trek' Technology Works (Infographic) | Space http://www.space.com/21201-star-trek-technology-explained-infographic.html 0 comments
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