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- GitHub - sinatra/sinatra at v2.0.0 https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/tree/v2.0.0 109 comments
- GitHub - henrylawson/photish: Fast, simple, configurable photo portfolio website generator https://github.com/henrylawson/photish 20 comments
- Preprocessors - Learn to Code Advanced HTML & CSS http://learn.shayhowe.com/advanced-html-css/preprocessors 17 comments
- Disciplined Rails: Form Object Techniques & Patterns — Part 1 | by Jaryl Sim | Medium https://medium.com/@jaryl/disciplined-rails-form-object-techniques-patterns-part-1-23cfffcaf429 13 comments
- GitHub - juancabrera/gulp-frontend-codebase-babel: A basic gulp codebase project using browserify with babelify, SASS, Autoprefixer and Slim. https://github.com/juancabrera/gulp-frontend-codebase-6to5 8 comments
- Episode 3: String-Based Templates vs. DSLs: the Pros & Cons of Each | Fullstack Ruby https://www.fullstackruby.dev/podcast/3/ 7 comments
- GitHub - utkarshkukreti/markup.rs: A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust. https://github.com/utkarshkukreti/markup.rs 6 comments
- First weeks in Elm. Elm has gained some serious attention… | by AJ Robertson | Red Shift https://shift.infinite.red/first-weeks-in-elm-bf1c5bcf6e47#.7le1qhz84 3 comments
- dry-rb - dry-view 0.6.0, an introductory talk, and plans for 1.0 https://dry-rb.org/news/2019/02/12/dry-view-0-6-0-an-introductory-talk-and-plans-for-1-0/ 3 comments
- GitHub - diowa/icare: Open Source Carpooling Platform http://github.com/diowa/icare 3 comments
- GitHub - multiversecoder/slim4py: Use Ruby Slim as a template engine in any python framework https://github.com/multiversecoder/slim4py 1 comment
- GitHub - mkwiatkowski/todo-rails4-angularjs: Showcase of Rails 4 and AngularJS integration https://github.com/mkwiatkowski/todo-rails4-angularjs 1 comment
- GitHub - Angelmmiguel/material_icons: A simple Rails wrapper for Google Material Icons https://github.com/Angelmmiguel/material_icons 1 comment
- Comparing HTML Preprocessor Features | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks https://css-tricks.com/comparing-html-preprocessor-features/ 0 comments
- GitHub - yosssi/gold: [DEPRECATED]Template engine for Go https://github.com/yosssi/gold 0 comments
- 9 Weeks with CodeKit 3 - A Review http://blog.greggant.com/posts/2016/12/20/codekit-3.html 0 comments
- GitHub - pixelunion/Pangolin: Build better Tumblr themes http://pxu.co/1FWLUE7 0 comments
- GitHub - diowa/ruby2-rails4-bootstrap-heroku: A starter application based on Ruby 2.4, Rails 4.2 and Bootstrap for Sass 3, deployable on Heroku https://github.com/diowa/ruby2-rails4-bootstrap-heroku 0 comments
- GitHub - codylindley/frontend-tools: Landscaping With Front-end Tools https://github.com/codylindley/frontend-tools 0 comments
- A Survival Guide for Legacy Rails Apps | Littlelines http://littlelines.com/blog/2014/07/28/a-survival-guide-for-legacy-rails-apps/ 0 comments
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