- [Slate] Why MLB Declared War on the Minor Leagues https://slate.com/culture/2019/12/mlb-minor-league-baseball-contraction-kill-milb-teams-collusion.html 12 comments baseball
Linking pages
- MLB’s Negotiating Terms With Minor Leagues Are Dirty, and Hurt the Game – Pick-Up Sports Talk: Cleveland https://pickupsportstalkcle.com/2019/12/20/mlbs-negotiating-terms-with-minor-leagues-are-dirty-and-hurt-the-game/ 6 comments
- MLB Is Coming Back. Its Player Development Pipeline Is Not. - The Ringer https://www.theringer.com/mlb/2020/6/24/21301940/mlb-return-player-development-minor-leagues-draft 4 comments
Linked pages
- Major League Baseball threatens to walk away from Minor League Baseball entirely - MLB | NBC Sports https://mlb.nbcsports.com/2019/12/14/major-league-baseball-threatens-to-walk-away-from-minor-league-baseball-entirely/ 982 comments
- The Minor League Teams That Could Lose M.L.B. Ties - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/16/sports/baseball/mlb-minor-league-proposal.html 365 comments
- Manfred meets with Bernie Sanders over minor league proposal | AP News https://apnews.com/462c0621624048cda5ab61ba801f25eb 281 comments
- The NBA trade deadline frenzy for second-round draft picks, explained. https://slate.com/culture/2023/02/nba-trade-deadline-second-round-draft-picks-value.html 150 comments
- People are still claiming, with a straight face, that the Twins were going to be contracted in 2002 - MLB | NBC Sports https://mlb.nbcsports.com/2014/07/14/people-are-still-claiming-with-a-straight-face-that-the-twins-were-going-to-be-contracted-in-2002/ 34 comments
- http://bizofbaseball.com/index.php 5 comments
- Tyler Cyr posts check to show how little MiLB players make https://sports.yahoo.com/giants-minor-leaguer-posts-paycheck-to-highlight-how-little-mi-lb-players-make-per-year-012237118.html 5 comments
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