- Sports Illustrated article on women's chess https://www.si.com/more-sports/2018/12/17/lisa-lane-hou-yifan-womens-chess-gender-inequality-world-championships 79 comments chess
Linking pages
- Hou Yifan and the Wait for Chess’s First Woman World Champion | The New Yorker https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/08/02/hou-yifan-and-the-wait-for-chess-first-woman-world-champion 46 comments
- Why are men ranked higher in chess than women? It has to do with statistics. https://slate.com/technology/2020/12/why-are-the-best-chess-players-men.amp 45 comments
- Lisa Lane might have been the inspiration for Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit: A former chess phenom who died in February, age 90. https://slate.com/culture/2024/03/womens-chess-queens-gambit-netflix-lisa-lane.html 28 comments
- Why are men ranked higher in chess than women? It has to do with statistics. https://slate.com/technology/2020/12/why-are-the-best-chess-players-men.html 0 comments
- Yosha Iglesias Becomes First Ever Transgender Woman International Master In Chess https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/yosha-iglesias-becomes-first-ever 0 comments
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