- Palin and Gorka rush to help Alabama candidate who smeared Americans as “reds and yellows” https://shareblue.com/palin-and-gorka-rush-to-help-alabama-candidate-who-smeared-americans-as-reds-and-yellows/ 23 comments politics
Linking pages
- GOP nominee Roy Moore runs to Breitbart to try to kill story about him molesting children https://shareblue.com/gop-nominee-roy-moore-runs-to-breitbart-to-try-to-kill-story-about-him-molesting-children/ 311 comments
- GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore claims First Amendment is against the law https://shareblue.com/gop-senate-candidate-roy-moore-claims-first-amendment-is-against-the-law/ 42 comments
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Linked pages
- https://www.instagram.com/ 102 comments
- Moore laments racial division between ‘reds and yellows’ | The Hill http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/351194-roy-moore-refers-to-red-and-yellow-americans-in-campaign-speech 31 comments
- There is a massive corruption scandal unfolding in Jeff Sessions' home state http://shareblue.com/there-is-a-massive-corruption-scandal-unfolding-in-jeff-sessions-home-state/ 31 comments
- Roy Moore, Alabama Chief Justice, Suspended Over Gay Marriage Order - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/01/us/roy-moore-alabama-chief-justice.html?_r=0 20 comments
- Gorka's new gig https://www.axios.com/gorkas-new-job-2486937335.html 14 comments
- Trump vs. Bannon in Alabama Senate slugfest | CNN Politics http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/16/politics/mo-brooks-roy-moore/index.html 7 comments
- Slate’s Use of Your Data http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2017/08/democrats_have_a_shot_in_the_alabama_special_election.html 6 comments
- Democrat Doug Jones wins Alabama Senate primary - al.com http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2017/08/alabamas_senate_primary_democr.html 5 comments
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