Hacker News
- This company wants to go public: "I don't fucking want innovation," the ex-employee recalls the CEO saying. "You're not smarter than your competitor. Just copy what they do and do it until you get their numbers." http://www.sfweekly.com/2010-09-08/news/farmvillains/ 123 comments business
- TIL Farmville is made by evil, evil people. (Actually, wait. I already knew that.) http://www.sfweekly.com/2010-09-08/news/farmvillains/ 10 comments reddit.com
- When he's not busying spamming your Facebook feed with Farmville requests, Zynga CEO and founder Mark Pincus is telling employees to ruthlessly copy others' games while actively discouraging innovation. http://www.sfweekly.com/2010-09-08/news/farmvillains/ 6 comments technology
Linking pages
- The Secret Dealer for Farmville Addicts http://gawker.com/5634379/the-secret-dealer-for-farmville-addicts 167 comments
- Zynga Stole Everything It's Suing Us for, Says Vostu http://www.businessinsider.com/vostu-zynga-stole-everything-its-suing-us-for-2011-7?op=1 86 comments
- FarmVille co-creator working on stealthy startup BetterWorks | VentureBeat http://venturebeat.com/2010/12/24/betterworks-sizhao-yang-farmville/ 1 comment
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