Hacker News
- FAA safety engineer goes public to slam agency’s oversight of Boeing’s 737 Max https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/faa-safety-engineer-goes-public-to-slam-the-agencys-oversight-of-boeings-737-max/ 113 comments
- FAA safety engineer goes public to slam the agency’s oversight of Boeing’s 737 MAX https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/faa-safety-engineer-goes-public-to-slam-the-agencys-oversight-of-boeings-737-max/ 257 comments technology
Linking pages
- Boeing wants FAA to exempt MAX 7 from safety rules to get it in the air | The Seattle Times https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/boeing-wants-faa-to-exempt-max-7-from-safety-rules-to-get-it-in-the-air/ 481 comments
- Emirates' Tim Clark says Boeing 'not getting it' on 737 Max, 787 - The Air Current https://theaircurrent.com/industry-strategy/emirates-tim-clark-says-boeing-not-getting-it-on-737-max-787/ 187 comments
- New electrical flaw grounds more than 60 737 MAXs, adding to Boeing’s woes | The Seattle Times https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/new-electrical-flaw-grounds-more-than-60-737-maxs-adding-to-boeings-woes/ 16 comments
- Slamming and blasting https://voussoir.net/writing/slamming_and_blasting 2 comments
- Boeing and its suppliers fall short on safety oversight, Senate whistleblower report says | The Seattle Times https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/u-s-senate-whistleblower-report-safety-oversight-falls-short-at-boeing-and-its-suppliers/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- Boeing apologizes as internal memos reveal how workers spoke of deceiving regulators, airlines | The Seattle Times https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/boeing-internal-documents-reveal-culture-of-deceit-to-keep-down-costs-of-737-max/ 31 comments
- Boeing 737 MAX program leaders who approved flight control system say they didn’t know key details | The Seattle Times https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/boeing-737-max-program-leaders-who-approved-flight-control-system-say-they-didnt-know-key-details/ 4 comments
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