- Delhi Police makes Kafkaesque arrests over a genuine question: Why did India export vaccines? https://scroll.in/article/995049/delhi-police-makes-kafkaesque-arrests-over-a-genuine-question-why-did-india-export-vaccines 5 comments worldnews
- Delhi Police makes Kafkaesque arrests over a genuine question: Why did India export vaccines? https://scroll.in/article/995049/delhi-police-makes-kafkaesque-arrests-over-a-genuine-question-why-did-india-export-vaccines 36 comments india
Linked pages
- Is any other country in the world using the fragmented, half-private vaccination model India chose? https://scroll.in/article/994646/is-any-other-country-in-the-world-using-the-fragmented-half-private-vaccination-model-india-chose 15 comments
- 25 arrests in Delhi over posters criticising Modi’s vaccine policy - The Hindu https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/delhi/many-held-over-posters-questioning-pm-modi/article34564288.ece 10 comments
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