Hacker News
- Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago (2015) https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ 31 comments
- Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ 2 comments
- Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ 55 comments truereddit
- Exxon which cause 2 % of world pollution knew about global warming 40 years ago https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ 41 comments climate
- Exxon Knew About Climate Change in 1977 But Chose To Cover It Up https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ 6 comments politics
- Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ 29 comments science
- Exxon ordered by court to turn over decades of climate change research as Massachusetts State's Attorney General probes accusations of fraudulently misleading the public. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ 21 comments worldnews
- Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago - A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ 2537 comments worldnews
Linking pages
- A technologically advanced society is choosing to destroy itself. It's both fascinating and horrifying to watch https://theconversation.com/a-technologically-advanced-society-is-choosing-to-destroy-itself-its-both-fascinating-and-horrifying-to-watch-192939 786 comments
- Billionaires Are the Leading Cause of Climate Change | GQ https://www.gq.com/story/billionaires-climate-change?amp%3Bfbclid=iwar1l2wjxars7rn1voq5ixv94nku2plue329gdtzcoqjt8uqpyvzgplmupdq&verso=true 425 comments
- The Compost | 05.20.2019 #ExxonKnew https://thecompost.io/articles/exxonknew#turning-out-the-lights 329 comments
- Democrats Should Stop Listening to Joe Manchin | The New Republic https://newrepublic.com/article/166268/joe-manchin-compromise-democrats 321 comments
- Climate change lawsuit: Bernie Sanders wants criminal prosecution of fossil fuel companies - Vox https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2019/11/12/20959293/bernie-sanders-climate-lawsuit-exxon-juliana-sinnok 292 comments
- Billionaires Are the Leading Cause of Climate Change | GQ https://www.gq.com/story/billionaires-climate-change 251 comments
- The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted https://infrequently.org/2023/02/the-market-for-lemons/ 215 comments
- You Are Not the Problem — Climate Guilt is a Marketing Strategy https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2023/02/15/you-are-not-the-problem-climate-guilt-is-a-marketing-strategy/ 186 comments
- Climate change poll: Most millennial Republicans want government climate action - Vox https://www.vox.com/2019/11/25/20981768/climate-change-pew-opinion-poll-republicans-ok-boomer 165 comments
- A federal carbon tax is imminent in the USA - and Exxon is pushing it | Electrek https://electrek.co/2016/08/29/a-federal-carbon-tax-is-imminent-in-the-usa-and-exxon-is-pushing-it/ 95 comments
- Congress is about to pass a historic climate bill. So why are oil companies pleased? | Kate Aronoff | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/09/congress-climate-bill-oil-companies 94 comments
- After the events of 2018, climate change should be our biggest priority | The Seattle Times https://www.seattletimes.com/business/economy/after-the-events-of-2018-climate-change-should-be-our-biggest-priority/ 92 comments
- We Need to Literally Declare War on Climate Change | The New Republic https://newrepublic.com/article/135684/declare-war-climate-change-mobilize-wwii 87 comments
- It’s time to nationalize Shell. Private oil companies are no longer fit for purpose | Johanna Bozuwa and Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jun/07/its-time-to-nationalize-shell-private-oil-companies-are-no-longer-fit-for-purpose?amp%3B_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_O3GCOBVgvuDr2y_tSxYDf4lBfnsDolTIf2gEG-7_HyJ5GHrrfPFFSf75Su1Z1rjfz1AsU5D-dQQjS39oquLoRQfXYxg&%3B_hsmi=132638904&%3Butm_content=132638904&%3Butm_medium=email&%3Butm_source=hs_email 86 comments
- I’m a Climate Scientist. I Refuse to Give Up Hope | TIME https://time.com/7178677/climate-scientist-optimist-refuse-to-give-up-hope/ 67 comments
- Oil Lobby Prompts Right-Wing Media to Save Whales—From Wind Power - FAIR https://fair.org/home/oil-lobby-prompts-right-wing-media-to-save-whales-from-wind-power/ 61 comments
- Exxon’s support for a carbon tax is the first step in big oil’s long, negotiated surrender - Vox https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2017/6/27/15869522/exxon-carbon-tax 52 comments
- Opinion | The Fires Sweeping Across Texas Offer a Terrifying Warning - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/02/opinion/texas-wildfires-climate-change.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Zk0.cf0a.LfIfCvbZjX9D 51 comments
- Any Politician Unwilling to Act on Climate Is an Enemy of Humanity ❧ Current Affairs https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/09/any-politician-unwilling-to-act-on-climate-is-an-enemy-of-humanity 50 comments
- Bold Climate Fixes Won't Wreck Middle Class Retirement Plans - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bold-climate-fixes-wont-wreck-middle-class-retirement-plans/ 48 comments
Linked pages
- NASA's Uranus Mission Is Running Out of Time - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/nasas-uranus-mission-is-running-out-of-time/ 17 comments
- Exxon: The Road Not Taken - Inside Climate News https://insideclimatenews.org/content/Exxon-The-Road-Not-Taken 16 comments
- There Are No U.S. 'Climate Havens' from Heat and Disaster Risk - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/there-are-no-u-s-climate-havens-from-heat-and-disaster-risk/ 7 comments
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