Hacker News
- Web hackers vs. the auto industry https://samcurry.net/web-hackers-vs-the-auto-industry/ 92 comments
- Question about web research legality https://samcurry.net/web-hackers-vs-the-auto-industry/ 11 comments asknetsec
- Web Hackers vs. The Auto Industry: Critical Vulnerabilities in Ferrari, BMW, Rolls Royce, Porsche, and More https://samcurry.net/web-hackers-vs-the-auto-industry/ 45 comments netsec
Linking pages
- Hackers Can Jailbreak Digital License Plates to Make Others Pay Their Tolls and Tickets | WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/digital-license-plate-jailbreak-hack/ 179 comments
- Flaw in Kia’s web portal let researchers track, hack cars | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/09/flaw-in-kia-web-portal-let-researchers-track-hack-cars/ 121 comments
- You Can't Control Your Data in the Cloud https://karl-voit.at/cloud/ 60 comments
- Millions of Vehicles Could Be Hacked and Tracked Thanks to a Simple Website Bug | WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/kia-web-vulnerability-vehicle-hack-track/ 35 comments
- can I speak to your manager? hacking root EPP servers to take control of zones — hackcompute https://hackcompute.com/hacking-epp-servers/ 32 comments
- Hackers discover that vulnerabilities are rife in the auto industry | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/01/hackers-discover-that-vulnerabilities-are-rife-in-the-auto-industry/ 5 comments
- Security researcher warns of chilling effect after feds search phone at airport | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/27/sam-curry-chilling-effect-phone-search-airport/ 5 comments
- Forget the IoT. Meet the IoZ: our Internet of Zombie things https://securityledger.com/2023/02/iot-meet-the-ioz-our-internet-of-zombie-things/ 1 comment
- Risky Biz News: Slack discloses security breach, access to code repositories https://riskybiznews.substack.com/p/risky-biz-news-slack-discloses-security 0 comments
- Vulnerabilities in Points.com: Compromising Major Rewards Programs and Getting Caught https://samcurry.net/points/ 0 comments
- Hackers Found Millions of Kias Could Be Tracked, Controlled With Just a Plate Number https://www.thedrive.com/news/hackers-found-millions-of-kias-could-be-tracked-controlled-with-just-a-plate-number 0 comments
Linked pages
- Sam Curry on Twitter: "More car hacking! Earlier this year, we were able to remotely unlock, start, locate, flash, and honk any remotely connected Honda, Nissan, Infiniti, and Acura vehicles, completely unauthorized, knowing only the VIN number of the car. Here's how we found it, and how it works: https://t.co/ul3A4sT47k" / Twitter https://twitter.com/samwcyo/status/1597792097175674880 241 comments
- Sam Curry on Twitter: "We recently found a vulnerability affecting Hyundai and Genesis vehicles where we could remotely control the locks, engine, horn, headlights, and trunk of vehicles made after 2012. To explain how it worked and how we found it, we have @_specters_ as our mock car thief: https://t.co/WWyY6vFoAF" / Twitter https://twitter.com/samwcyo/status/1597695281881296897 0 comments
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