- "NRA shot itself in the foot": Schumer calls for DOJ probe of possible bankruptcy fraud | How did NRA declare bankruptcy "and still have millions of dollars” to spend on attack ads, Senate leader asks https://www.salon.com/2021/07/12/nra-shot-itself-in-the-foot-schumer-calls-for-doj-probe-of-possible-bankruptcy-fraud/ 318 comments politics
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- NRA launches $2 million campaign to oppose Biden gun-control agenda - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/nra-launches-2-million-campaign-to-oppose-biden-gun-control-agenda/2021/04/21/362b2a80-a2eb-11eb-a774-7b47ceb36ee8_story.html 40 comments
- NRA filing for bankruptcy, moving from New York to Texas | The Hill https://thehill.com/homenews/534500-nra-filing-for-bankruptcy-moving-from-new-york-to-texas 11 comments
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