- Donald Trump's one-man wrecking crew: Bill Barr wants to defeat impeachment, and then some. Bill Barr is outraged that any president would use "the apparatus of the state" to influence an election. OK then! https://www.salon.com/2019/12/11/donald-trumps-one-man-wrecking-crew-bill-barr-wants-much-more-than-defeating-impeachment/ 12 comments politics
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- The repeated, incorrect claim that Russia obtained ‘20 percent of our uranium’ - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/10/31/the-repeated-incorrect-claim-that-russia-obtained-20-percent-of-our-uranium/ 401 comments
- The Crossfire Hurricane Report's Inconvenient Findings https://www.justsecurity.org/67691/the-crossfire-hurricane-reports-inconvenient-findings/ 22 comments
- In email probe, echoes of another time prosecutors weighed charging Hillary Clinton with a crime - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/in-email-probe-echoes-of-another-time-prosecutors-weighed-charging-hillary-clinton-with-a-crime/2016/07/09/5bbeb7c8-4498-11e6-88d0-6adee48be8bc_story.html 10 comments
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