- Now Gordon Sondland remembers a quid pro quo — but the Republican spin machine forgets https://www.salon.com/2019/11/06/now-gordon-sondland-remembers-a-quid-pro-quo-but-the-republican-spin-machine-forgets/ 9 comments politics
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- Flipped Giuliani associate claims he discussed Ukraine with Trump, convinced him to fire ambassador | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2019/11/14/flipped-giuliani-associate-claims-he-discussed-ukraine-with-trump-convinced-him-to-fire-ambassador/ 112 comments
- Lindsey Graham cries “BS,” refuses to read impeachment transcripts after demanding their release | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2019/11/06/lindsey-graham-cries-bs-refuses-to-read-impeachment-transcripts-after-demanding-their-release/ 76 comments
Linked pages
- Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/news/2019/11/05/sondland-reverses-himself-on-ukraine-quid-pro-quo-000318 987 comments
- House Republicans eye placing Jim Jordan on Intel panel during impeachment inquiry - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/news/2019/11/05/house-republicans-jordan-intel-impeachment-065970 16 comments
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