Hacker News
- MdBook – a command line tool to create books with Markdown https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/ 69 comments
- MdBook – A command line tool to create books with Markdown https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/ 120 comments
Linking pages
- GitHub - zigcc/zig-cookbook: Zig cookbook is a collection of simple Zig programs that demonstrate good practices to accomplish common programming tasks. https://github.com/zigcc/zig-cookbook 71 comments
- GitHub - rust-lang/mdBook: Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook 57 comments
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/patterns: A catalogue of Rust design patterns, anti-patterns and idioms https://github.com/rust-unofficial/patterns 50 comments
- GitHub - sunface/rust-by-practice: Learning Rust By Practice, narrowing the gap between beginner and skilled-dev through challenging examples, exercises and projects. https://github.com/sunface/rust-by-practice 36 comments
- GitHub - cognitive-engineering-lab/aquascope: Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time https://github.com/cognitive-engineering-lab/aquascope 27 comments
- Is highlight.js Harmful for Your Site? | toastal https://toast.al/posts/softwarecraft/2023-07-28_client-side-syntax-highlighting-must-stop 22 comments
- GitHub - poteto/rustconf-2020: An aggregation of links that summarize RustConf 2020. Pull requests welcome! https://github.com/poteto/rustconf-2020 20 comments
- GitHub - azerupi/mdBook: Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust https://github.com/azerupi/mdBook 14 comments
- GitHub - ptal/oak: A typed parser generator embedded in Rust code for Parsing Expression Grammars https://github.com/ptal/oak 14 comments
- GitHub - hydro-project/hydroflow: Hydro's low-level dataflow runtime https://github.com/hydro-project/hydroflow 14 comments
- GitHub - sunface/rust-by-practice: Learning Rust By Practice, narrowing the gap between beginner and skilled-dev with challenging examples, exercises and projects. https://github.com/uulesson/dotray 7 comments
- GitHub - phmullins/awesome-macos-commandline: A curated list of awesome command-line software for macOS. https://github.com/phmullins/awesome-macos-commandline 7 comments
- y|sndr - Rust as a platform for IoT https://blog.ysndr.de/posts/essays/2021-12-12-rust-for-iot/ 5 comments
- GitHub - max-heller/mdbook-pandoc: A mdbook backend that outsources most of the rendering process to pandoc. https://github.com/max-heller/mdbook-pandoc 5 comments
- New Docs for factory_bot https://thoughtbot.com/blog/new-docs-for-factory_bot 4 comments
- How `rustdoc` achieves a genius design :: Silly little things — A blog I made https://blog.goose.love/posts/rustdoc/ 4 comments
- GitHub - nogibjj/rust-mlops-template: A work in progress to build out solutions in Rust for MLOPs https://github.com/nogibjj/rust-mlops-template 3 comments
- The Problem With Dark Mode by ayushnix https://microblog.ayushnix.com/dark-mode-issues/ 2 comments
- GitHub - willcrichton/mdbook-quiz: Interactive quizzes for Markdown https://github.com/willcrichton/mdbook-quiz 1 comment
- GitHub - AFLplusplus/LibAFL: Advanced Fuzzing Library - Slot your Fuzzer together in Rust! Scales across cores and machines. For Windows, Android, MacOS, Linux, no_std, ... http://github.com/afLplusplus/libAFL 1 comment
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