- Just got a response from Senator Ron Johnson about Net Neutrality. This sentence was in the email: "The term "net neutrality" might sound good, but it is just a clever name for government control of the Internet." https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/email-the-senator 625 comments technology
Linking pages
- Despite lack of evidence, Johnson objecting to Electoral College vote https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2021/01/02/ron-johnson-oppose-certifying-joe-bidens-electoral-college-win/4113042001/ 46 comments
- Dairy Management Inc. pays execs millions from farmer checkoff program https://www.jsonline.com/in-depth/news/special-reports/dairy-crisis/2019/09/04/dairy-management-inc-pays-execs-salaries-millions-farmer-checkoff-program-got-milk-prices-fall/1884361001/ 16 comments
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Search title: Email Ron - Ron Johnson Senator from Wisconsin
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