- Coca-Cola, eBay, Dow Chemical, other big biz already secretly dumping millions into nasty attack ads using "U.S. Chamber" front group http://www.republicreport.org/2012/exclusive-chamber-funding-corporations/ 18 comments politics
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- Sherrod Brown Held Corporations Accountable, Now They’re Spending Millions to Unseat Him | The Nation http://www.thenation.com/article/167909/sherrod-brown-held-corporations-accountable-now-theyre-spending-millions-unseat-him 13 comments
- Article: Lobbying Group Asks Supreme Court Not To Use "Empirical Evidence" Of Corruption When Reconsidering Citizens United | OpEd News http://www.opednews.com/articles/lobbying-group-asks-suprem-by-lee-fang-120523-557.html 4 comments