Hacker News
- Do you use Recoil in production? (I'm currently considering it as a good option for client-side "global" state management for a production product, replacing a heavy context system) https://recoiljs.org/ 3 comments reactjs
- Facebook has open-sourced an experimental state management library for React called Recoil https://recoiljs.org/ 7 comments webdev
- Recoiljs a state managemnt lib by Facebook https://recoiljs.org 3 comments javascript
- Facebook has open sourced an experimental state management library for React called Recoil if anyone is interested. https://recoiljs.org/ 129 comments reactjs
Linking pages
- React Is Holding Me Hostage https://emnudge.dev/blog/react-hostage 584 comments
- The new wave of React state management https://frontendmastery.com/posts/the-new-wave-of-react-state-management/ 453 comments
- React State Management Cheat Sheet - https://rockiger.com/en/react-state-management 122 comments
- React state management libraries in 2022 | Through the binary https://www.albertgao.xyz/2022/02/19/react-state-management-libraries-2022/ 59 comments
- What are Signals? | signia https://signia.tldraw.dev/docs/what-are-signals 59 comments
- GitHub - facebook/flux: Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces https://github.com/facebook/flux 57 comments
- Using Recoil instead of Redux For State Management In React Applications. https://blog.openreplay.com/using-recoil-instead-of-redux-for-state-management-in-react-applications 54 comments
- Redux Alternatives in 2021 https://blog.openreplay.com/redux-alternatives-in-2021 33 comments
- GitHub - suren-atoyan/react-pwa: Starter kit for modern web applications https://github.com/suren-atoyan/react-pwa 28 comments
- Should You Use Recoil as a React State Management Library? | by emreloper.eth 🌕 | Better Programming https://medium.com/better-programming/should-you-use-recoil-as-a-react-state-management-library-38ef14f3de10 26 comments
- #07: Current state of state management - by Tomáš Falešník https://open.substack.com/pub/bytebullet/p/07-current-state-of-state-management 24 comments
- GitHub - imbhargav5/rooks: Essential React custom hooks ⚓ to super charge your components! https://github.com/imbhargav5/rooks 23 comments
- Recoil - experimental state management library for React | GraphQL Blog https://blog.graphqleditor.com/recoil-react-state-management-library/ 20 comments
- GitHub - QuiiBz/particule: Fine-grained atomic React state management library https://github.com/QuiiBz/particule 13 comments
- Zustand, yet another lovely state manager in React | by Arash Kadkhodaei | Medium https://medium.com/@SlashArash/zustand-yet-another-lovely-state-manager-in-react-801b6bcf21ff 10 comments
- GitHub - laststance/react-typescript-todomvc-2022: React TypeScript TodoMVC 2022 https://github.com/ryota-murakami/react-typescript-todo-example-2019 10 comments
- How to manage your global state in a React app? | Medium https://alexmngn.medium.com/what-react-global-state-management-library-should-you-use-b67a05f0e20 8 comments
- React global state management in 2022 https://code-with-yannick.com/react-global-state-management-in-2022 7 comments
- An introduction to atomic state management libraries in React - DEV Community https://dev.to/tomlienard/an-introduction-to-atomic-state-management-libraries-in-react-4fhh 7 comments
- GitHub - statico/femtostats: 📊🌍 Super small, light, privacy-focused, self-hostable web statistics provider https://github.com/statico/femtostats 5 comments
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