Hacker News
- I am a Nextjs dev, I am looking to start my own dev agency, I'd appreciate any advice https://www.realworkfromanywhere.com/ 3 comments entrepreneur
- I am tired of location restricted remote jobs like Remote US only jobs, so I built a site for fully globally remote jobs (100% work from anywhere). Built with Nextjs 13 and app dir. https://www.realworkfromanywhere.com/ 5 comments reactjs
- My website is coming up in good shape. I am pretty happy about it. https://www.realworkfromanywhere.com/ 21 comments web_design
- I am tired of seeing remote job opportunities only within certain countries (USA, Germany, etc). So, I made a site to curate 100% globally remote jobs. We now have 3000+ work-from-anywhere jobs. https://www.realworkfromanywhere.com/ 88 comments programming
- I made a site for fully location-independent jobs (100% work-from-anywhere). Hope it is useful. https://realworkfromanywhere.com/ 4 comments programming
- I am tired of seeing remote jobs but only within certain countries. So, I made a site to curate completely location independent jobs from various sources. It now has around 500 work from anywhere job opportunities. https://www.realworkfromanywhere.com/ 72 comments javascript
- I am tired of seeing remote opportunities but only within certain countries. So, I made this site to curate completely location-independent jobs from various sources. It now has around 400 work from anywhere job opportunities. https://www.realworkfromanywhere.com/ 192 comments programming
- I made a site for 100% location independent jobs. https://www.realworkfromanywhere.com/ 2 comments programming
- I made a site in NextJS to curate 100% location independent jobs. It has no database, just a local JSON file that is updated daily by a cron job. https://www.realworkfromanywhere.com/ 3 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - Nithur-M/work-from-anywhere: A daily curated list of jobs that allow working from anywhere. https://github.com/Nithur-M/work-from-anywhere 145 comments
- GitHub - lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job: A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python https://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job 62 comments
- GitHub - markodenic/web-development-resources: Awesome Web Development Resources. https://github.com/markodenic/web-development-resources 0 comments
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