Hacker News
- React Native team says "Use Expo" https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/06/25/use-a-framework-to-build-react-native-apps 3 comments
- Meta's React Native team now officially recommends to use a framework for building react native apps! Like Expo. https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/06/25/use-a-framework-to-build-react-native-apps 33 comments reactnative
Linking pages
- GitHub - obytes/react-native-template-obytes: 📱 A template for your next React Native project: Expo, PNPM, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Husky, EAS, GitHub Actions, Env Vars, expo-router, react-query, react-hook-form. https://github.com/obytes/react-native-template-obytes 36 comments
- This Week In React #192: Fog of War, react-html, Memory leaks, Suspense, security, chadcn/ui Charts, MUI, XR, Filament, Rise, Expo, React Navigation, Reanimated, Node, TypeScript, pnpm, Vitest... | This Week In React https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/192 4 comments
- React Native 0.75 - Support for Percentage Values in Layout, New Architecture Stabilization, Template & init Updates, and more · React Native https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/08/12/release-0.75 2 comments
Linked pages
- Start a New React Project – React https://react.dev/learn/start-a-new-react-project 164 comments
- Setting up the development environment · React Native https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup 90 comments
- Upgrade React Native applications https://react-native-community.github.io/upgrade-helper/ 5 comments
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