Hacker News
- Another big shipping line is refusing to export the West’s plastic waste https://qz.com/2155412/shipping-lines-are-refusing-to-export-the-wests-plastic-waste/ 2 comments
- Another big shipping line is refusing to export the West’s plastic waste https://qz.com/2155412/shipping-lines-are-refusing-to-export-the-wests-plastic-waste/ 46 comments environment
Linking pages
- Zero-waste groceries: Can you buy enough to eat without plastic packaging? : Shots - Health News : NPR https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/07/02/1109498551/she-tried-to-avoid-plastic-while-grocery-shopping-for-a-week-heres-how-it-went 60 comments
- Another big shipping line is refusing to export the West’s plastic waste https://www.yahoo.com/tech/m/7318ae25-6abc-3b26-902f-62113bdef662/another-big-shipping-line-is.html 8 comments
Linked pages
- U.S. generates more plastic trash than any other nation, report finds https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/us-plastic-pollution 615 comments
- China's ban on plastic recycling imports means the world will have 111 million metric tons of extra plastic to deal with by 2030 https://qz.com/1310240/chinas-ban-on-plastic-recycling-imports-means-the-world-will-have-111-million-metric-tons-of-extra-plastic-to-deal-with-by-2030/ 9 comments
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