Hacker News
- Purecss.io – A set of small, responsive CSS modules by Yahoo http://purecss.io/ 44 comments
- Pure: a set of small, responsive CSS modules http://purecss.io/ 121 comments
- CSS framework for Dioxus + mobile https://purecss.io/ 6 comments rust
- I am considering the use of Pure CSS for a site. I would like to hear opinions and comments about it. http://purecss.io/ 4 comments css
- Correct clickable DIV method? http://purecss.io 6 comments webdev
- Getting a child div to inherit it's parent div height (responsive, using Pure CSS). http://purecss.io 7 comments web_design
- Pure—A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project (apologies if it's a repost, but this is really awesome). http://purecss.io 4 comments webdev
- Pure: a set of small, responsive CSS modules http://purecss.io/ 46 comments web_design
- Pure: a set of small, responsive CSS modules http://purecss.io/ 37 comments webdev
- Pure: A set of small, responsive CSS modules http://purecss.io/ 12 comments css
Linking pages
- Design Tips For Developers | Duet http://www.duetapp.com/blog/design-tips-for-developers/ 146 comments
- GitHub - neiesc/awesome-minimalist: A curated list of awesome minimalist frameworks (simple and lightweight). https://github.com/neiesc/ListOfMinimalistFrameworks 130 comments
- GitHub - bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers: Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers 102 comments
- Why You Should Stop Misusing Bootstrap | 10Clouds http://10clouds.com/blog/why-you-misuse-bootstrap-and-why-you-should-stop-doing-this/ 85 comments
- A useful web development standard from an unlikely source - The US government | Computerworld http://www.itworld.com/article/2989009/open-source-tools/a-useful-web-development-standard-from-an-unlikely-source-the-us-government.html 50 comments
- CSS Frameworks; Do you need one?. I’ve been researching various different… | by Craig Rabara | Medium https://medium.com/@crabara00/css-frameworks-do-you-need-one-fef798bc6592?source=linkshare-7eef40ddebf1-1538161922 42 comments
- GitHub - draganczukp/simply-shorten: Repository moved to Gitlab https://github.com/draganczukp/url 36 comments
- Pure.css Offers an Intriguing Alternative to Bootstrap http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/purecss-offers-an-intriguing-alternative-to-bootstrap--cms-25176 32 comments
- GitHub - codingknite/frontend-development: A curated list of resources for Frontend development http://github.com/developer-resources/frontend-development 25 comments
- GitHub - troxler/awesome-css-frameworks: List of awesome CSS frameworks in 2024 https://github.com/troxler/awesome-css-frameworks 19 comments
- Tacit, a CSS Framework Without Classes http://www.yegor256.com/2015/04/13/tacit-css-framework-for-dummies.html 18 comments
- Erik Dörnenburg · The Buy-vs-Build Shift (part 1) http://erik.doernenburg.com/2012/09/buy-vs-build-shift-part-1/ 16 comments
- 8 Best Bootstrap Alternative for Web Developers - Dev Code Geek http://devcodegeek.com/best-bootstrap-alternative-for-web-developers.html 13 comments
- 40+ Awesome Responsive Web Design Tools For Designers - FROMDEV http://www.fromdev.com/2015/06/tools-for-responsive-design.html 12 comments
- Web Development Trends For 2015 And Beyond | by Shiju Varghese | Medium https://medium.com/@shijuvar/web-development-trends-for-2015-and-beyond-c2d3c1ef5718 9 comments
- GitHub - katelovescode/lightswitch: A lightweight HTML5 single-page website using jQuery templating to switch content https://github.com/kateklemp/lightswitch 9 comments
- GitHub - joe-crick/pure-css-components: CSS Only Components for Pure CSS https://github.com/joe-crick/pure-css-components 9 comments
- Design for Non-Designers: Part 1. The one piece of advice to instantly… | by Tracy Osborn | Hello Web Design | Medium https://medium.com/@limedaring/design-for-non-designers-part-1-6559ed93ff91#.qp3m34t7a 9 comments
- A Photo Gallery that Automatically Tags Your Images https://blog.rebased.pl/2016/10/25/computer-vision-2.html 7 comments
- GitHub - moklick/frontend-stuff: 📝 A continuously expanded list of frameworks, libraries and tools I used/want to use for building things on the web. Mostly JavaScript. https://github.com/moklick/frontend-stuff 4 comments