- Eddie Kingston recently described Misawa vs. Kawada "6-3-94" as the greatest match there ever was. "I’ve probably seen June ’94 more than 1,000 times. I’ve almost missed flights over it. I’ll pull it up and just be gone. I’ll be in it. I’ll be living it." Here's the story behind this flawless match. https://prowrestlingpost.com/misawa-vs-kawada-6-3-94/ 95 comments squaredcircle
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- Eddie Kingston Got No Business F***ing Being Here https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/eddie-kingston-aew-wrestling 724 comments
- Minoru Suzuki - The Oni King of Havoc - ProWrestlingPost.com https://prowrestlingpost.com/minoru-suzuki-the-oni-king-of-havoc/ 9 comments
- Jumbo Tsuruta - The First True Ace of Puroresu - ProWrestlingPost.com https://prowrestlingpost.com/jumbo-tsuruta-the-first-true-ace-of-puroresu/ 1 comment
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