- Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat women, gays poorly? http://www.politifact.com/arizona/statements/2016/jul/11/donald-trump/did-hillary-clinton-take-money-countries-treat-wom/ 123 comments politics
Linking pages
- Trump Slammed Clinton For Taking Saudi Money, While Trump Jr. Went to Saudi Prince For Help Beating Clinton | Law & Crime https://lawandcrime.com/awkward/trump-slammed-clinton-for-taking-saudi-money-while-trump-jr-went-to-saudi-prince-for-help-beating-clinton/ 1136 comments
- Trump once said Saudis ‘push gays … off buildings.’ They just gave him a warm welcome. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/05/20/trump-received-an-elaborate-welcome-in-saudi-arabia-a-country-he-bashed-for-years/ 32 comments
- The FBI's Clinton Foundation investigation was based on the book 'Clinton Cash' — and fueled by secret recordings http://finance.yahoo.com/news/fbis-clinton-foundation-investigation-based-142700669.html 16 comments
- Trump Won’t Let Khashoggi’s Death Cost Lobbyists Their Jobs http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/10/trump-wont-let-khashoggis-death-cost-lobbyists-their-jobs.html 11 comments
- The FBI's Clinton Foundation investigation was based on the book 'Clinton Cash' — and fueled by secret recordings https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/fbis-clinton-foundation-investigation-based-142700669.html 5 comments
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