- ‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’ An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored this warning from the CIA three months before 9/11 http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/11/cia-directors-documentary-911-bush-213353 308 comments politics
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- The wholly undeserved rehabilitation of George W. Bush - The Boston Globe https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/04/23/opinion/wholly-undeserved-rehabilitation-george-w-bush/ 1201 comments
- The GOP's deadly, broken history: Why last week's Paris attacks prove yet again that George W. Bush didn't "keep us safe" | Salon.com http://www.salon.com/2015/11/16/the_gops_deadly_broken_history_why_last_weeks_paris_attacks_prove_yet_again_that_george_w_bush_didnt_keep_us_safe/ 13 comments
- Bush and Cheney were warned. Bush and Cheney yawned. And then 9/11 happened | Salon.com http://www.salon.com/2015/11/13/bush_and_cheney_were_warned_bush_and_cheney_yawned_and_then_911_happened/ 4 comments
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