Hacker News
- The social graph of the whole US http://petewarden.typepad.com/searchbrowser/2010/02/how-to-split-up-the-us.html 26 comments
- Texans like God, Mormons like Twilight, and New Englanders like each other. Visualizations of the US based on Facebook connections and fan pages across US cities. http://petewarden.typepad.com/searchbrowser/2010/02/how-to-split-up-the-us.html 371 comments technology
- The seven nations of the United States: large-scale geographical clusters in social networking data. http://petewarden.typepad.com/searchbrowser/2010/02/how-to-split-up-the-us.html 46 comments politics
- Connections of social networks in the US graphed http://petewarden.typepad.com/searchbrowser/2010/02/how-to-split-up-the-us.html 4 comments reddit.com
Linking pages
- The 7 Somewhat United States of Facebook – Old GigaOm http://gigaom.com/2010/02/08/the-7-somewhat-united-states-of-facebook/ 20 comments
- How to Split up the U.S. http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-split-up-the-us-2010-2 1 comment
- Data sifted from Facebook wiped after legal threats | New Scientist http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18721-data-sifted-from-facebook-wiped-after-legal-threats.html 0 comments
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