Hacker News
- Chromium has over 1600 command-line switches https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ 42 comments
- All 1,400 Google Chrome CLI flags https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ 162 comments
- Overview of Chromium's 900+ Command Line Switches http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ 2 comments browsers , web
- Error with print-to-pdf command line https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ 3 comments microsoftedge
- Reject Invalid Certs https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ 2 comments sysadmin
- How to let a script open URL that starts with "chrome://" ? https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ 2 comments chrome
- Command line to open chrome WITHOUT reopening previous tabs from earlier https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ 4 comments chrome
- Is there a way to launching a url to an already open chrome program from a shell program (like DOS), but launch it into a background tab and not as a foreground tab? http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ 7 comments chrome
Linking pages
- A badass list of frontend development resources I collected over time. · GitHub https://gist.github.com/dypsilon/5819504 418 comments
- What is CORS? | SimpleLocalize https://simplelocalize.io/blog/posts/what-is-cors/ 167 comments
- GitHub - Alex313031/thorium: Chromium fork named after radioactive element No. 90. Windows and MacOS/Raspi/Android/Special builds are in different repositories, links are towards the top of the README.md. https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium 150 comments
- Why working on Chrome made me develop a tool for reading source code | by Eberhard Gräther | Medium https://medium.com/@egraether/why-working-on-chrome-made-me-develop-a-tool-for-reading-source-code-7111ba21a6f0 51 comments
- WebKit for Developers - Paul Irish http://paulirish.com/2013/webkit-for-developers/ 36 comments
- How to set up a Smashing dashboard on your Raspberry Pi https://blog.sweethuman.tech/raspberry-pi-smashing-dashboard 30 comments
- Consistent Selenium Testing in Python | Christopher C. Wells https://chrxs.net/articles/2017/09/01/consistent-selenium-testing/ 25 comments
- Announcing Tauri 1.3.0 | Tauri Apps https://tauri.app/blog/2023/05/03/tauri-1-3/ 24 comments
- GitHub - rubycdp/ferrum: Headless Chrome Ruby API https://github.com/route/ferrum 14 comments
- What are Chrome flags? | Web Platform | Chrome for Developers https://developer.chrome.com/docs/web-platform/chrome-flags 8 comments
- Raspberry Pi 4 Touchscreen Kiosk Setup (64-bit, Bullseye) – desertbot.io https://desertbot.io/blog/raspberry-pi-4-touchscreen-kiosk-setup-64-bit-bullseye 5 comments
- Testing Websites with Selenium https://blog.codingcoyote.dev/testing-websites-with-selenium 5 comments
- Running headful Chrome with extensions in a Lambda function | by G | Medium https://techandstuff.medium.com/running-headful-chrome-with-extensions-in-a-lambda-container-image-22ba1c566feb 4 comments
- Test Web Bluetooth with Puppeteer | Blog | Chrome for Developers https://developer.chrome.com/blog/test-web-bluetooth-with-puppeteer 4 comments
- GitHub - crisdosyago/grader-base: This is the base repository for Grader.JS projects. https://github.com/c9fe/grader-base 2 comments
- GitHub - rubycdp/ferrum: Headless Chrome Ruby API https://github.com/rubycdp/ferrum 2 comments
- Optimize your Ruby on Rails CI pipeline – Jan Matuszewski – Business-oriented engineer https://jmatuszewski.com/Optimize-your-Ruby-on-Rails-CI-pipeline/ 2 comments
- Advanced issues when managing Chrome on AWS – Browserless https://www.browserless.io/blog/2023/12/05/advanced-issues-when-managing-chrome-on-aws/ 1 comment
- GitHub - thalissonvs/pydoll: Pydoll is a library for automating chromium-based browsers without a WebDriver, offering realistic interactions. It supports Python's asynchronous features, enhancing performance and enabling event capturing and simultaneous web scraping. https://github.com/thalissonvs/pydoll 1 comment
- GitHub - Xeo786/Rufaydium-Webdriver: Rufaydium is a WebDriver Library for AutoHotkey to support any Chromium based browser using WebDriver, it will downlaod latest driver and update driver according to webbrowsers version https://github.com/Xeo786/Rufaydium-Webdriver 0 comments
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