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- Why Craigslist still looks the same after 25 years https://www.pcmag.com/news/heres-why-craigslist-still-looks-the-same-after-25-plus-years 329 comments
- Here's Why Craigslist Still Looks the Same After 25+ Years https://www.pcmag.com/news/heres-why-craigslist-still-looks-the-same-after-25-plus-years 179 comments technology
- Here's Why Craigslist Still Looks the Same After 25+ Years https://www.pcmag.com/news/heres-why-craigslist-still-looks-the-same-after-25-plus-years 4 comments webdev
- Here's Why Craigslist Still Looks the Same After 25+ Years - "Because that serves people better. I've learned that people want stuff that is simple and fast and gets the job done. People don't need fancy stuff. Sometimes you just want to get through the day." https://www.pcmag.com/news/heres-why-craigslist-still-looks-the-same-after-25-plus-years 104 comments web_design
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