Hacker News
- Why are most climate models in Fortran? https://partee.io/2021/02/21/climate-model-response/ 132 comments
- Why are Climate models written in programming languages from 1950? https://partee.io/2021/02/21/climate-model-response/ 37 comments fortran , science
- Why are Climate models written in programming languages from 1950? https://partee.io/2021/02/21/climate-model-response/ 49 comments programming
Linked pages
- The Julia Programming Language https://julialang.org/ 410 comments
- Which programming language is fastest? (Benchmarks Game) https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/index.html 273 comments
- Chapel: Productive Parallel Programming https://chapel-lang.org/ 69 comments
- HPC is dying, and MPI is killing it https://www.dursi.ca/post/hpc-is-dying-and-mpi-is-killing-it.html 63 comments
- The Power and Paradox of Bad Software | WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/power-paradox-bad-software/ 54 comments
- GitHub - pydata/xarray: N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python https://github.com/pydata/xarray 0 comments
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