- RasPiCam Vision Lite: A Flask App on Raspberry Pi that Can Serve Multiple Image Classification TensorFlow Lite Models and Perform Live Inference on Streaming Video Concurrently. https://palletsprojects.com/p/flask 6 comments raspberry_pi
Linking pages
- Python From Scratch: Create a Dynamic Website http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/python-tutorials/python-from-scratch-creating-a-dynamic-website/ 124 comments
- Taking ML to production with Rust: a 25x speedup | A learning journal https://www.lpalmieri.com/posts/2019-12-01-taking-ml-to-production-with-rust-a-25x-speedup/ 117 comments
- Choosing a Rust web framework, 2020 edition | A learning journal https://www.lpalmieri.com/posts/2020-07-04-choosing-a-rust-web-framework-2020-edition/ 71 comments
- Build a WhatsApp Chatbot With Python https://www.twilio.com/blog/build-a-whatsapp-chatbot-with-python-flask-and-twilio 62 comments
- Replit - Open-Sourcing the Universal Package Manager https://repl.it/site/blog/upm 35 comments
- How To Make Custom AI-Generated Text With GPT-2 | Max Woolf's Blog https://minimaxir.com/2019/09/howto-gpt2/ 21 comments
- Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications | Authorization | Google for Developers https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/web-server 18 comments
- GitHub - geru-scotland/pylib-atlas: A curated list with useful Python programming tools and libraries, as well as other noteworthy resources. https://github.com/geru-scotland/pylib-atlas 18 comments
- GitHub - pallets/flask: The Python micro framework for building web applications. https://github.com/pallets/flask/ 17 comments
- Swift for modern Machine Learning - Philipp Muens https://philippmuens.com/swift-for-machine-learning/ 12 comments
- GitHub - app-generator/flask-apps: Flask Apps - Open-Source And Paid | AppSeed https://github.com/app-generator/flask-apps 10 comments
- Choosing Java as your language for a Machine Learning project - Xatkit https://xatkit.com/choosing-java-as-your-language-for-a-machine-learning-project/ 10 comments
- GitHub - bobf/skep: Docker Swarm web and console dashboard https://github.com/bobf/skep 10 comments
- GitHub - app-generator/jinja-adminkit: Jinja Template - AdminKit (Free Version) | AppSeed https://github.com/app-generator/jinja-adminkit 9 comments
- GitHub - app-generator/jinja-soft-ui-design: Soft UI Design System - Jinja Template | AppSeed https://github.com/app-generator/jinja-soft-ui-free 7 comments
- GitHub - app-generator/flask-illustrations-iradesign: Flask App - Illustrations by IraDesign | AppSeed https://github.com/app-generator/flask-illustrations-iradesign 7 comments
- GitHub - dahlia/awesome-sqlalchemy: A curated list of awesome tools for SQLAlchemy https://github.com/dahlia/awesome-sqlalchemy 7 comments
- GitHub - app-generator/flask-neumorphism-uikit: Flask Web App - Neumorphism UI Kit | AppSeed https://github.com/app-generator/flask-neumorphism-uikit 7 comments
- GitHub - meow-watermelon/host-monitoring-station: A standalone monitoring system for local host https://github.com/meow-watermelon/host-monitoring-station 6 comments
- GitHub - marshmallow-code/flask-smorest: DB agnostic framework to build auto-documented REST APIs with Flask and marshmallow https://github.com/Nobatek/flask-rest-api 6 comments
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