- Say No to Internet Censorship: For the first time, actual Presidents and Prime Ministers of 12 powerful countries will meet behind closed doors to seal an extreme Internet censorship plan called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) https://openmedia.org/censorship 5 comments germany
- Say No to Internet Censorship: For the first time, actual Presidents and Prime Ministers of 12 powerful countries will meet behind closed doors to seal an extreme Internet censorship plan called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) https://openmedia.org/censorship 20 comments politics
- Say No to Internet Censorship: For the first time, actual Presidents and Prime Ministers of 12 powerful countries will meet behind closed doors to seal an extreme Internet censorship plan called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) https://openmedia.org/censorship 6 comments europe
- Say No to Internet Censorship: For the first time, actual Presidents and Prime Ministers of 12 powerful countries will meet behind closed doors to seal an extreme Internet censorship plan called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) https://openmedia.org/censorship 173 comments worldnews
- Say No to Internet Censorship: For the first time, actual Presidents and Prime Ministers of 12 powerful countries will meet behind closed doors to seal an extreme Internet censorship plan called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) https://openmedia.org/censorship 76 comments technology
Linking pages
- Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks Headed For Finish Line Amid Official Secrecy | HuffPost Business http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/10/04/trans-pacific-partnership_n_4039357.html 18 comments
- WikiLeaks publishes secret draft chapter of Trans-Pacific Partnership | WikiLeaks | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/nov/13/wikileaks-trans-pacific-partnership-chapter-secret 16 comments
- Wikileaks publishes draft of secretive TPP trade pact - CNET http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57612288-93/wikileaks-publishes-draft-of-secretive-tpp-trade-pact/?tag=reddit 6 comments