- openFrameworks: an open source C++ toolkit for creative coding. http://www.openframeworks.cc/ 7 comments cpp
- openFrameworks: A C++ library for creative coding http://www.openframeworks.cc/ 12 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp: A collection of resources on modern C++ https://github.com/rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp 114 comments
- The Hypercard Legacy. Apple’s forgotten software gem was a… | by Jer Thorp | The Nextographer | Medium https://medium.com/@blprnt/the-hypercard-legacy-e5b9eb273b6a 102 comments
- GitHub - hunar4321/particle-life: A simple program to simulate artificial life using attraction/reuplsion forces between many particles https://github.com/hunar4321/particle-life 94 comments
- GitHub - thomwolf/Magic-Sand: Magic-Sand is a software for operating an augmented reality sandbox https://github.com/thomwolf/Magic-Sand 52 comments
- GitHub - fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp 38 comments
- Kinematics Bodice – Nervous System blog http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/blog/?p=4780 31 comments
- Beautiful Motion Graphics Created With Programming: Showcase, Tools and Tutorials — Smashing Magazine http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/02/06/beautiful-motion-graphics-created-with-programming-showcase-tools-and-tutorials 25 comments
- Generative Art in Go https://p5v.gumroad.com/l/generative-art-in-golang/fckcovid 24 comments
- GitHub - ellisonleao/magictools: A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen. https://github.com/ellisonleao/magictools 15 comments
- GitHub - Sonicrobots/madcam https://github.com/Sonicrobots/madcam/ 15 comments
- Generative Art in Go https://p5v.gumroad.com/l/generative-art-in-golang/gopherconuk 11 comments
- A First Look Into Generative Art https://alexfertel.hashnode.dev/a-first-look-into-generative-art 7 comments
- Generative Art in Go https://p5v.gumroad.com/l/generative-art-in-golang 6 comments
- GitHub - hunar4321/particle-life: A simple program to simulate artificial life using attraction/reuplsion forces between many particles https://github.com/hunar4321/life_code 4 comments
- GitHub - jasonwebb/morphogenesis-resources: Comprehensive list of resources on the topic of digital morphogenesis (the creation of form through code). Includes links to major articles, code repos, creative projects, books, software, and more. https://github.com/jasonwebb/morphogenesis-resources 2 comments
- Where did this “Interaction” come from?: A Brief History of Interaction Design | by Mahan Mehrvarz | UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/where-did-this-interaction-come-from-a-brief-history-of-interaction-design-ebcc8c278ae7 1 comment
- GitHub - seenaburns/dex-ui: A science fiction desktop running on Linux. Awesome. https://github.com/seenaburns/dex-ui 1 comment
- Generative Art | Opinionated Guides https://opguides.info/design/generative-art/ 1 comment
- Generative Art in Go https://p5v.gumroad.com/l/generative-art-in-golang/BF2022 1 comment
- GitHub - DLTcollab/sse2neon: A translator from Intel SSE intrinsics to Arm/Aarch64 NEON implementation https://github.com/DLTcollab/sse2neon 1 comment
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