- God I wish this was The Onion. Proposed 3 presidential terms... https://ogles.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-ogles-proposes-amending-22nd-amendment-allow-trump-serve-third-term 100 comments nottheonion
- Rep. Ogles Proposes Amending the 22nd Amendment to Allow Trump to Serve a Third Term https://ogles.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-ogles-proposes-amending-22nd-amendment-allow-trump-serve-third-term 40 comments politics
- Tennessee Republican proposes constitutional amendment to allow 3rd term for president https://ogles.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-ogles-proposes-amending-22nd-amendment-allow-trump-serve-third-term 14 comments politics
- Trump is seeking a third term! http://ogles.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-ogles-proposes-amending-22nd-amendment-allow-trump-serve-third-term 11 comments politics
- Rep. Ogles Proposes Amending the 22nd Amendment to Allow Trump to Serve a Third Term https://ogles.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-ogles-proposes-amending-22nd-amendment-allow-trump-serve-third-term 156 comments politics
Linking pages
- New GOP bill would let Trump (but not Obama) run for a third term https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/new-gop-bill-let-trump-not-obama-run-third-term-rcna189099 712 comments
- Will Trump try to run in 2028? Sure sounds like it - nj.com https://www.nj.com/politics/2025/01/will-trump-try-to-run-in-2028-sure-sounds-like-it.html 67 comments
- New GOP bill would let Trump (but not Obama) run for a third term https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/shows/maddow/blog/rcna189099 35 comments
- Republican introduces measure to allow Trump a third term — but not Obama | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2025/01/24/introduces-measure-to-allow-a-third-term--but-not-obama/ 15 comments
- Tennessee Republican Introduces Amendment To Allow A Third Trump Term | HuffPost https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ogles-contitutional-amendment-trump-term-limit_n_6793a44be4b018161734b7c9/amp 10 comments
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