- Dollars on the Margins. The $15 Minimum Wage Doesn’t Just Improve Lives. It Saves Them. A living wage is an antidepressant. It's a sleep aid. A diet. A stress reliever. It's a contraceptive, preventing teenage pregnancy. It prevents premature death. It shields children from neglect. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/02/21/magazine/minimum-wage-saving-lives.html 17 comments business
- Dollars on the Margins. The $15 Minimum Wage Doesn’t Just Improve Lives. It Saves Them. A living wage is an antidepressant. It's a sleep aid. A diet. A stress reliever. It's a contraceptive, preventing teenage pregnancy. It prevents premature death. It shields children from neglect. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/02/21/magazine/minimum-wage-saving-lives.html 18 comments economy
- Dollars on the Margins. The $15 Minimum Wage Doesn’t Just Improve Lives. It Saves Them. A living wage is an antidepressant. It's a sleep aid. A diet. A stress reliever. It's a contraceptive, preventing teenage pregnancy. It prevents premature death. It shields children from neglect. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/02/21/magazine/minimum-wage-saving-lives.html 24 comments politics
- The $15 Minimum Wage Doesn’t Just Improve Lives. It Saves Them. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/02/21/magazine/minimum-wage-saving-lives.html 551 comments politics
- Dollars On The Margins: A living wage is an antidepressant. It is a sleep aid. A diet. A stress reliever. It is a contraceptive, preventing teenage pregnancy. It prevents premature death. It shields children from neglect. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/02/21/magazine/minimum-wage-saving-lives.html 2 comments politics
Linking pages
- Raising the Minimum Wage May Help Save Lives http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/04/raising-the-minimum-wage-may-help-save-lives.html 72 comments
- American Capitalism Is Brutal. You Can Trace That to the Plantation. - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/slavery-capitalism.html 58 comments
- New research suggests the $15 minimum wage is not bad for workers like economists feared. https://slate.com/business/2019/02/new-research-15-dollar-minimum-wage-good-for-workers.html 3 comments
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